scene.050     <     > LAST DELIVERY


(Nighttime. The stoop of an apartment, or the porch of a house. Steps.)

(“A” is a food delivery worker. “A” carries two large and heavy delivery bags. “A” rings the bell.)

(some time)

(the door opens)

A: Delivery?

B: Thanks. (takes bags)

(they look at each other for a bit too long)

(“A” turns to leave. “B” starts to close the door. “B” opens the door again.)

B: hey.

A: (doesn’t notice)

B: hey!

A: (turns)

B: Uh...(hesitates) You wanna join me?

A: what?

B: Do you want to eat with me? I mean...I have all this know...?

A: what?

B: Yeah. You want to? Eat with me.

A: (a pause.) (nods) okay.

(“B” closes the door. “A” walks back to the steps. They sit down on the steps apart from each other and start to open the bags and sanitize things. They lay some food out. Each takes off their mask and begins eating - looking out at the night.)


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