scene.051     <     > DECENTERING*


(“A” and “B” are anywhere.)

A: ...explain it to me again?

B: Like do you agree that this is a...(traces a large circle in the air)?

A: (nods)

B: And that this is the center? (points to the center)

A: uh-huh.

B: And that within this (traces a large circle in the air) there are an infinite amount of other points actually that are not the center, but still inside...

A: (silence)

B: Ok. Is this inside? (points somewhere inside the circle)

A: uh. Yeah.

B: Is this inside? (points somewhere inside the circle)

A: sure.

B: So. You yourself could possibly be here IN THE CENTER...(indicates the center again)


B: And that also, you could possibly be anywhere else that I just pointed to without being in the center.

A: (starts to speak//) ...but...

B: //AND you would still be inside...

A: (looks intently or squints at the air circle for a long time)


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