NOWISWHENWEARE (the stars) is currently in Austin, Texas through March 22, 2025. It may be coming to a city near you in 2025/26. Sign up for the mailing list to stay in touch!

(cover photo on preview page: Alan Holben.)

Every point in space occurs once at each moment of time. N O W I S W H E N W E A R E (the stars) is a new interactive theatrical installation that pushes this idea to its literal extreme. An unseen narrator guides each participant through an individualized journey into a precisely programmed matrix of light – and the cosmos of themselves. Part meditation, part exploration, the stars draws visitors into a hyper-focus of the present. The stars traces every decision that you have ever made as a contributing factor to being ‘here’ and being ‘now’.

Thank you for a life-changing experience
– Sophia, beta audience member, Northfield, MN)

Nearly 4,000 individually reactive LEDs and a 496-channel sound system envelop each participant. The stars is an invitation to engage and become an active explorer – discovering the traces of yourself in light, the universe, and those who have been here before us.

I didn’t realize how much I missed me.
Thank you.
– Lita, beta audience member (Northfield, MN)

Concept, Writing, Composition, and Fabrication: Andrew Schneider
Lighting and Sound Design: Andrew Schneider
Co-Sound Design: Bobby McElver
Additional Software Engineering: Oren Shoham
Dramaturgical Consultant: ayo ohs

Current and Past Production Managers: Karl Allen, Sonia Baidya, Jørgen Noodt Skjærvold, Brian Freeland
Associate Producer: Lily Comeau
Produced with Miranda Wright + Los Angeles Performance Practice
Tour Producer: Jecca Barry

Development of NOWISWHENWEARE was made possible with support from The Brown Arts Institute, Carleton College Arts and Technology Initiative, The Simons Foundation and Science Sandbox, The Voxel, The Onassis Foundation, The Sundance Institute Interdisciplinary Program, and Eliko Industries.

Special thanks to Vallejo Gantner, Xuan Huang, ayo Ohs, Ryan Peng, Yulia Strizheus, Chris Ashworth and The Voxel.

to Dad, Jim, and HNC

“[An] existential cosmic blaze of an immersive art experience. A communal near-death experience.” (Minnesota Public Radio, full review)

“A moment of community building that transcends time and space. I so enjoyed my time with The Stars and only wish that I may have had more. But I suppose that’s the point of the piece, despite our best efforts to make the most of the time we have, it somehow never feels like enough. (No Proscenium, full review)

Past Touring:

Texas Performing Arts // Austin, Texas
John Micheal Kohler Arts Center // Sheboygan, WI
On the Boards // Seattle , WA
Hancher Auditorium // Iowa City , IA
The Arts Center // Abu Dhabi, UAE​
Kayenta Center for the Arts // St. George, Utah
Williams College // Williamstown, Massachusetts
Walker Arts Center // Minneapolis, Minnesota
Brooklyn Navy Yard // Brooklyn, NY
Brooklyn Academy of Music // Brooklyn, NY

Development Residencies:

The Voxel // Baltimore, Maryland
Ucross // Ucross, Wyoming (writing residency)
Carleton College // Northfield, Minnesota
La Jolla Playhouse // San Deigo, California (writing residency)