scene.045     <     > GROCERY FAIL


(A parking lot or sidewalk near a store. “A’s” mark is an “X” with a grocery bag that is rigged for the handles to fall apart.)

(“A” goes to the bag, picks it up by the handles all at once in order to make sure that it fails. The groceries spill onto the ground.)

(“B” walks by this scene once without stopping.)

(“B” then approaches “A’s” predicament, hesitates to engage with the situation for a moment, then tries to help but can’t touch anything, because pandemic.)

A: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I’m alright, I’m good, I’m good.

(“A” and “B” keep their social distance. They stare into each other’s eyes for at least one minute.)

B: Ok. Ok.

A: Uhhh...

B: Do I...//know you?

A: (//cuts them off) No….no, no, no, no.

(“A” attempts to gather the groceries and leaves the shot.)

(“B” leaves in the opposite direction of “A”.)


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